Enrolment posts for the Polish Army in southern USSR

Source: "W Sowieckim Osaczeniu" by Zbigniew S Siemaszko, Polska Fundacja Kulturalna, 1991.

Relocation of Polish Army from Totskoye, Tatishchevo and Buzuluk to the south of Russia took place in January 1942.

The location of particular detachments was, as follows:

  • The HQ of the Army: Jangi-Yul, near Tashkent
  • 6th Infantry Division HQ in Shahriziab, 16th,17th &18th Rgts: Kitab, Jak-kabab & Chirakchi
  • 7th Infantry Division under Gen. Zygmunt Szyszko-Bogusz (22th & 23rd Rgts): Kermine on the railroad line Samarkanda-Buchara
  • 8th Infantry Division under Gen. Bronislaw Rakowski, (20th & 24th Rgts): Chok-Pak, north-east of Tashkent
  • 9th Infantry Division under Col. Marian Boleslawicz (25th & 26th Rgts): Margelan, east of Tashkent
  • 10 Infantry Division under Col. Alfred Schmidt (27th & 28th Rgts): Lugovaja in southern Kazakhstan
  • Artillery Training Center: Kara-Su, near Dzalalabad, on the border of Uzbekistan and Kyrgystan
  • The Army & Sappers Training Center, under Gen Nikodem Sulik (he later was commander of the Kresowa Division): Wriewskaja, near Jangi-Jul
  • Panzer Arms Center (Osrodek Organizacyjny Broni Pancernej): Karabalty  in Kyrgystan
  • 1st Krechowiecki Lancers Rgt under Mjr. Kazimierz Zaorski: Otar in southern Kazakhstan
  • Army Organization Center (Osrodek Organizacyjny Armii) and 
  • PSK (Pomocnicza Sluzba Kobiet - Womens Auxilliary Corps) under Col. Leon Koc:  Guzar, between Buchara & Shahriziab
  • Signals Center, under Col. Jan Rozanski: Vielikaja Aleksiejevka and Pogran-Orlovskaja , south-west from Jangi-Jul.

Later on in Iraq, there was a complete reorganization, but this was the situation before evacuation to Persia


Details of Soldiers' Rations
Army in Totskoye