​​​​​​​​​​​​T H E   H I S T O R Y    O F   K R E S Y
Osady - Military Settlements 1921-1940​​​

Translation from the book  
Z Kresów Wschodnich R.P. Wspomnienia z Osad Wojskowych 1921-1940 
(From: The Eastern Borderlands of Poland, Memories of Military Settlements 1921-1940)
Pub: Ognisko Rodzin Osadników Kresowych (OROK)

         (Association of the Families of the Borderland Settlers) 
London, UK. 1992 and 1998 (out of print)
ISBN 1 872286 33 X 

Province (Województwo) WOŁYŃ


Municipality (Gmina) Wiśniowiec
District (Powiat) 

Wola Korybutowiecka, a military settlement, was founded on the Gniłów property in the Krzemieniec district. The settlement was situated on fertile soil near the Horyń River where a mill was built to process grain into flour products.

On the north side was the main road that led across Lake Taraż and the river on which there was a large wooden bridge to the cities of Poczajów, Brody, Zbaraż and Dubno. Near the road there was Biała - a small military settlement, and behind it a large Ukrainian village of Zwiniacza. Adjacent on the west was a very large, Ukrainian village of Zalejsce, from the north the Ukrainian village of Oleskie, and from the east the military settlement of Orłopol and the city of Wiśniowiec.

The settlement had a single-story red-brick school, which was also attended by children from the neighbourhood. It was a secondary school. A group of 5 teachers set high academic standards for the school, and they achieved good results. The first floor provided accommodation for several teachers, whilst school rooms occupied the entire ground floor. There were changing rooms for children in the basement. The school had a large sports ground, and nearby was a cross and a grotto of the Virgin Mary, where May devotions were held. There was a scout troop and a Red Cross circle at school.

Near the school there was the Community Centre, a single-story building made of red brick fired on the settlement. The first floor was used as teachers' apartments. The ground floor was occupied by Kasa Stefczyka [Ed. note: National Farmers’ Cooperative Bank]; a library; a shop that supplied the settlers with everyday items and school supplies; a large room with a stage where events, performances and games were held; a meeting room and a dairy. There were also basements. There was a kindergarten for toddlers in the meeting room all week.

We had a village leader who represented the settlers in the Wiśniowiec Community. News from the Community was announced on Sundays in the Community Centre where everyone gathered after a week's work.

The building of a chapel had been planned for which material was partially stockpiled.

Organisations I remember: the Settlers Circle, the Housewives Circle and the Fire Department.

Names of military settlers: Caban, Cieślinkiewicz, Balaban, Blinów, Drapała, Dzbuk, Drozd, Gawlik, Jakownica, Juraszek, Korszański, Król, Krupa, Książek, Kwiatek, Kudła, Gilt, Swan, Łukasz, Mąka, Mikuła, Mirowski, Morawiec, Tellers, Różański, Sarwa, Sobański, Tomasiewicz, Warżawa, Wiśniewski, Wiśniowiecki, Woś, Zapała. I don't remember the names of 4 military settlers, but I know where they lived.

Plots of land were bought from military settlers by: Hanas, Misiak, Wójcicki, Zabłocki and Franciszek Tomasiewicz.

List of names of settlers


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