​​A R T S

Song Wrócimy" ​- "We'll Return"

The image below is of an artefact donated by Zyg Martynowicz from his family’s belongings.  (Click here for his brother’s

drawings and story.) 

This piece of paper contains the lyrics of a song that expressed the emotions of soldiers who had survived ordeals in Siberia and exodus from the Soviet Union. It was distributed as a souvenir of a performance by a group of entertainers named “Lwowska Fala” (Lwowian Wave). The ensemble had huge success on Polish radio prior to the war. They escaped from Poland in September 1939 across the Romanian border and continued to perform for Polish armed forces in Romania from November 1939 until February 1940 and then in France between March and June 1940. 

The song was originally a French tune composed by Charles Helmer and Jacques Krier, adapted and given Polish lyrics under the title "Wizja Szyldwacha”and became popular in pre-war Poland.  Following his escape to Romania, Wiktor Budziński, founder of Lwowska Fala, re-wrote these lyrics to reflect the mood of the troops. After the fall of France the entertainers evacuated to Edinburgh and their 1943 recording of the song for the BBC can be heard here (click this link then on the website click on ZAGRAJ” to play ).  A version by Chór Weteranów, also recorded in 1943, is available on the same website page.  The uplifting words set to a marching tune were important in raising spirits in demoralised circumstances and it is no wonder that the lyrics were reproduced in the form of a souvenir.  This copy survived the remainder of the war and was kept for a lifetime.  

                              Transcript                                                                                             Translation

Na pamiątkę przedstawienia Lwowskiej Fali

dla Polaków -Żołnierzy przybyłych z Rosji.

                              W r ó c I m y

    Jeden nas łączy los i jeden łączy ból
    Jedna tęsknota do tych lasów do tych pól
    Jedna nas łączy dola lepsza czy zła
   W Polaku Polak brata dziś napewno ma.
   Niech znikną wady, kłótnie, zwarci będziemy dziś
   A wtedy jedna wspólna zrodzi się nam myśl,
   Trąbka pobudkę gra, wiarę każdy dziś ma,

   Bóg nam pomoc swą da.
   Wrócimy tam, dokąd serce dziś tęskni i marzy
   Wrócimy tam, wszyscy razem młodzi i starzy
   Wrócimy tam, żeby zerwać Ojczyźnie kajdany
   Wrócimy tam, gdzie nasz dom, gdzie nasz kraj kochany

A souvenir from the performance given by Lwowska Fala

for Poles - Soldiers who had arrived from Russia.

                                    We'll Return
   One fate, one agony binds us together
   One longing for those forests and fields
   One destiny binds us for good or for ill
   Certainly, today Poles are brothers.
   May flaws and quarrels vanish, today let us be strong,
   Then one common thought will arise,
   A trumpet call awakens, today all have faith,
   That God will give us his help.
   We'll return to the place for which our heart aches and dreams
    We’ll return all together, young and old,
    We'll return to break our nation’s chains,
    We'll return to our home, to our beloved land.

A further verse was written:-

   Choć na tułaczkę wygnał los nas przykry, zły
   Powrócą znowu szczęścia i wolności sny
   Ojczyzna zbierze rozproszone dzieci swe
   I w zapomnienie pójdą złe tułaczki dnie
   Niechaj nadziei nikt nie traci dzisiaj z nas
   Wszak wyzwolenia Polski niedaleki czas
   Zginie odwieczny wróg
   Z dalekich wrócim dróg
   Tak nam dopomóż Bóg

   Although a cruel, evil fate has condemned us to exile,
   Dreams of good fortune and freedom will return,
   Our nation will gather her scattered children,
    And the grim days of wandering will be forgotten.
    Let none of us lose hope today,
    Why, Poland’s liberation is near at hand,
    The eternal enemy will die,
    We will return from far-flung wandering,
    So help us God.

Lwowska Fala preparing for a performance in Edinburgh.

Budzyński is in the centre in the dark suit.